Are you aware of a potential breach of our Bussiness Conduct Policy or any other immoral behavior?
From now on you can report these types of behaviors in our FaceUp platform.
Anyone who has reasonable doubts, concerns or information relating to misconduct that give rise to a potential or actual breach of our BCP may raise such concerns under this policy. This includes but is not limited to: breaches of our BCP, standards, policies and procedures, illegal conduct, such as theft, dealing in, or use of illegal drugs, violence or threatened violence, harassment, discrimination, victimization or bullying, criminal damage against property, fraud, money laundering, terrorist financing, tax evasion or misappropriation of funds, offering, giving or accepting a bribe, conflicts of interest, financial irregularities including false accounting, financial misstatements and misrepresentations.
There are several ways in which you may report or disclose any issue or behaviour which you consider to be reportable misconduct.
You can report such misconduct to:
• your manager or unit manager,
• your local HR manager (“HR”) or Listen Up Champion (“LUC”),
• a member of your country, or Group/Regional Legal and Compliance Team (“Legal”);
• or raise your concern through the FaceUp platform.
We understand and respect that some people feel more comfortable not disclosing their identity, so
you can report concerns anonymously and remain anonymous if you wish. We ask everyone who chooses to use the FaceUp platform take note of their reference number and check back in regularly.
Where appropriate, the reported concerns will be investigated. When the investigation is finalized, the case is closed, and where appropriate, corrective actions are implemented.
For more information, you can
download our FaceUp Policy.